Saturday, March 8 @ 10:00 AM
7517 Hege Rd, Greencastle, PA Click to Map
John Deere 7420 tractor 5,092 hrs., John Deere 4990 SP mower 1,626 hrs., New Holland 575 bailer, John Deere 336 kicker bailer, New Holland 848 round bailer, New Holland 166 hay turner, Pequea 710 tedder, New Holland 469 hay bine, Vicon 6-wheel rake, John Deere 3-wheel 4 bar rake,3-Gehi 980/970 forage wagons, 36’NH bale elevator, Little Giant 35’ elevator, Knight 3150 mixer wagon, Kuhn Knight 8118-8124 manure spreaders, Gravity wagon IH 735 plow, White 348 plow, spring tooth transport harrow, John Deere flail chopper, John Deere 7200 corn planter, IH 5100 drill, John Deere 1600 chisel plow, 2002 Chevy 3500 dump truck, 1969 Ford 800 dump truck (as is), New Idea 1 row corn picker, JD sprayer (parts), JD check planter, JD potato planter, wooden feeders.
CROPS: Small grass hay & straw bales, approx. 100 large bales wheat straw – grass hay – corn fodder.
Double 10 herringbone milking parlor stall and milking/wash equipment will be offered separate and together.
NOTE: No smalls; do not be late. Large bales, milking parlor and 1996 Ford 800 dump truck is located at 14556 Locust Level Road, Greencastle, PA. (sold @Hege Rd location)
TERMS: Cash, check, Visa, MC, Discover with positive identification. 5% administration fee for cards, 10% buyer’s premium up to $5,000 and $500 flat fee from $5001 and up. Everything must be settled for and removed on sale day. Statements made day of auction takes precedence. Not responsible for accidents.
AUCTIONEERS: Dale L. Martin – AU005119
301-992-9089, Williamsport, MD
“We Bring Buyers and Sellers Together”